Most-read Stories

Genscript Biotech
Another Biotech Analyst Is Ditching Wall Street for a CFO RoleJune 19, 2019
Genscript Biotech Halted Pending Inside Information AnnouncementSeptember 26, 2018
J&J to Build Blood-Cancer Push With Controversial China BiotechDecember 2, 2018
Genscript Surges After Therapy Gets PRIME Designation From EMAApril 7, 2019
China Drugmakers Fall as Premier Vows to Lower Prices in 2019January 21, 2019
Genscript Biotech Shares Decline 16% to Lowest in Six WeeksSeptember 26, 2018
Genscript Biotech Denies All Allegations in Flaming ReportSeptember 27, 2018
Legend-J&J CAR-T Has Durable Responses; Comparison Has CaveatsNovember 1, 2018
Genscript Biotech Denies Flaming Allegations in Second ReportOctober 2, 2018
[Delayed] China Healthcare Sector: Factoring new risks and highlighting opportunitieNovember 15, 2018
Genscript Biotech Rebounds After Denying Allegations in ReportSeptember 27, 2018
Genscript Entitles to $55M Milestone Payment From JanssenJuly 28, 2019
Genscript Biotech Volume Jumps More Than Five Times AverageSeptember 26, 2018
Genscript Biotech Shares Advance 15% to Highest in Nine MonthsApril 10, 2019
Genscript Biotech Reports to H.K. SFC After Flaming AllegationsOctober 12, 2018
Genscript Bio Advances After Saying Milestone Reached in TrialDecember 17, 2018
Merck KGaA Announces MoU Signing With Chinese Biotech GenScriptMarch 19, 2019
Genscript Biotech Jumps as Unit Entitled to Milestone PaymentJuly 28, 2019
Genscript Biotech Stock Rises 9.3% Climbing the Most in 2019April 7, 2019
Genscript Biotech Buys Back 1.84M Shares for HK$26.9M Oct. 3October 3, 2018


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