Most-read Stories

Hyundai Mobis
Elliott Revives Push to Overhaul Hyundai Motor, Letter ShowsSeptember 6, 2018
Singer’s Elliott Loses Fight With South Korean Auto GiantMarch 21, 2019
Elliott Launches Proxy Fights at Hyundai, Pushes for DividendsFebruary 27, 2019
Elliott Revives Push to Overhaul Hyundai Motor, Letter ShowsSeptember 7, 2018
Elliott Wins ISS Support for Board Shake-Up at Hyundai MotorMarch 11, 2019
Elliott-Led Activism Pits Korea Bondholders Vs. ShareholdersApril 4, 2019
BNEF Theme: Electric Vehicle Cost CompetitivenessApril 18, 2019
Elliott Wins ISS Support for Board Shake-Up at Hyundai MotorMarch 11, 2019
Hyundai Mobis Leads Drop in S.Korean Auto Shares on Probe ReportNovember 21, 2018
Elliott Asks Hyundai to Raise Div. Payout to 5.8t Won: YonhapFebruary 26, 2019
Elliott Loses Vote on Hyundai Motor on Dividend, DirectorsMarch 21, 2019
Hyundai Mobis Announces 2.6t Won Shareholder Return PolicyFebruary 26, 2019
Ex-Opel CEO to Face Elliott Board Nominee in Hyundai ShowdownMarch 8, 2019
Elliott Discloses Letter to Shareholders of Hyundai MobisFebruary 26, 2019
Korea Pension Fund to Back Hyundai in Showdown With ElliottMarch 14, 2019
Yandex Takes Aim at Google and Baidu With Hyundai Mobis: BNEFMarch 20, 2019
Elliott-Led Activism Pits Korea Bondholders Against ShareholdersApril 3, 2019
South Korean Corporates Are Entering Credit Downswing, S&P SaysMarch 19, 2019
Denso Joins Auto Parts Makers Retooling for Self-Driving: BNEFJanuary 2, 2019


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