Most-read Stories

A Russian Oligarch Walks Away From His $8 Billion EmpireFebruary 16, 2018
VTB Buys $2.5 Billion Magnit Stake as Founding Owner QuitsFebruary 16, 2018
Russia's Most Transparent Company Is Its Worst Performing StockJanuary 29, 2018
MAGNIT PJSC: Launch of Share SaleNovember 14, 2017
Magnit CEO to Sell $700m in Shares; Co. Plans Capital IncreaseNovember 14, 2017
X5 to Magnit Slide As Metro’s Russian Same-Store Sales PlungeJanuary 15, 2018
Magnit Extends Drop as Dividend in Doubt, Sales Disappoint AgainJanuary 26, 2018
Once Idolized Russian Retailer Magnit Turns Into World's PariahNovember 21, 2017
X5 Retail Extends Slump to 10% Since Rival Magnit’s VTB DealFebruary 21, 2018
Magnit’s Discount Share Sale Drives Slump to Four-Year LowNovember 15, 2017
Prosperity ‘Outraged’ at Magnit-VTB Deal, Interfax ReportsFebruary 16, 2018
Magnit Tumbles to 2011 Low as U.S. Investors Join ExodusFebruary 2, 2018
FAS’s Artemyev is Sure VTB Bought Magnit Stake to Resell: RIAFebruary 22, 2018
Magnit Third Quarter Ebitda Misses EstimatesOctober 20, 2017
BCS: Selling Magnit at Discount to Market Looks ‘Desperate’February 16, 2018
VTB May Bring Co-Investors to Reform Magnit, Boost Market ValueFebruary 19, 2018
Magnit Plunges on ‘Dismal’ Earnings, Cut in Sales Growth TargetOctober 20, 2017
Magnit’s Board Approves Selling 7.35m New Shares at 6,185 RublesNovember 15, 2017
Magnit Shareholder Raises ~$727m to Help Fund ExpansionNovember 15, 2017
LVMH Dazzles; Beware Greeks Bearing Tax Bills: Europe ConsumerJanuary 26, 2018


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