Most-read Stories

Nestle Sells $10 Billion L’Oreal Stake in Rare Move After Surge12/7/2021
Nestle Warns Profitability May Decline As Inflation Bites2/17/2022
Nestle Eyed Biggest-Ever Deal in Aborted Move for GSK Consumer5/25/2022
Nestle Sees Fastest Growth in Decade on Pandemic Recovery10/19/2021
NEW DEAL: Nestle Holdings $Benchmark Debt Offering in 6 Parts9/6/2021
Nestle to Acquire Majority Stake in Protein-Powder Maker Orgain2/2/2022
Nestle Puts Squeeze on Consumers With Pricier Nespresso, Purina4/21/2022
Nestle Drops; Cut at Bernstein Amid Flight From Safety Risk5/19/2022
Nestle Stops Most of Russian Production, Barring Essentials3/23/2022
Nestle Eyed Biggest-Ever Deal in Aborted Move for GSK Unit5/26/2022
Nestle Bond Amasses Big Interest Despite Russia Criticism3/21/2022
Nestle Says Not Profiting in Russia Amid Intensifying Criticism3/21/2022
It’s as Good as It'll Get for Nestle, Unilever: Andrea Felsted10/21/2021
Global Shortages Are Pushing Food Producers Back Toward Palm Oil6/16/2022
Rising Costs Muddy Post-Lockdown Rebounds for Consumer Giants7/28/2021
Up 12-25% vs. March Low, European Safe Havens Stretch Valuations4/14/2022
Nestle Invests in Maker of Fake Chicken That Has Skin and Bones11/18/2021
KitKat Candy Chief Resisted Nestlé's Takeover Bid -- WSJ3/9/2022
Nestle Drops Most Since October; Cut at Jefferies on Outlook1/5/2022
EU Consumer Staples Need Margin Resilience to Justify Valuation4/8/2022


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