Most-read Stories

Pigeon Corp.
Visitors to Japan Fell For First Time in 5 Yrs in Sept.: NikkeiOctober 15, 2018
Goldman Keeps Buy on Shiseido, Kose on Japan Tourism RecoverySeptember 24, 2018
MonotaRO, Yihai May Be Poised for MSCI Inclusion, Churchill SaysNovember 12, 2018
Japan Retail Stocks Sensitive to Chinese Consumers DeclineJanuary 8, 2019
Pigeon Slides as Latest Results Cast Doubt on China Growth StoryMarch 4, 2019
Pigeon Reports Full-Year Group Earnings ResultsMarch 4, 2019
Pigeon Third Quarter Operating Income Misses Lowest EstimateDecember 3, 2018
Pigeon Reports 1st-Qtr Group Earnings ResultsJune 10, 2019
Pigeon 1Q Op. Falls 17% Y/y, Dragged by Japan Baby-Mother SalesJune 10, 2019
Pigeon First Quarter Operating Income 4.50 Bln YenJune 10, 2019
CORRECT: Pigeon Sees 20b Yen Op. Income for 11-Month Fiscal YearMarch 4, 2019
Pigeon Stock Down 6.6% Falling Most in Over a YearOctober 15, 2018
Pigeon Second Quarter Operating Income Beats Highest EstimateSeptember 3, 2018
Pigeon Reports 9-Month Group Earnings ResultsDecember 3, 2018
Pigeon Rises as Sales Seen Improving After China E-Commerce WoesJune 10, 2019
Pigeon Reports Half-Year Group Earnings ResultsSeptember 3, 2018
Pigeon 3Q Oper. Profit Misses Lowest Est.; Maintains ForecastsDecember 3, 2018
BlackRock Discloses Holdings in Leopalace21, Pigeon: FilingsDecember 6, 2018
Pigeon Reinstated at Macquarie With Outperform; PT 5,200 YenApril 12, 2019
Pigeon Downgraded to Neutral at Daiwa; PT 4,360 YenMarch 5, 2019
Pigeon Falls 6.8%; Sales Below Analyst ConsensusMarch 4, 2019


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