Most-read Stories

Ben & Jerry's New Flavor Gives Unilever a Headache: Zev Chafets7/25/2021
Unilever’s $68 Billion Bid for GSK Unit Marks Health Pivot1/17/2022
Unilever to Sell Lipton Tea Owner to CVC for $5.1 Billion11/17/2021
‘Please Don’t:’ Analysts Scorn Unilever’s Takeover Ambitions1/17/2022
Glaxo Rejects $68 Billion Unilever Bid for Consumer Business1/15/2022
Unilever Plans Thousands of Job Cuts as Peltz Builds Stake1/24/2022
Unilever Gains After Activist Investor Peltz Builds Stake1/24/2022
Unilever Sees Toughest Inflation Since 2008 Financial Crisis7/22/2022
Unilever Is Said to Weigh Raising Offer for Glaxo Consumer Unit1/16/2022
Unilever CEO Misses Out on Advil Just as He May Need It1/20/2022
Unilever Shares Jump as Peltz on Board Seen Spurring Change5/31/2022
Israel’s Battle With Unilever's Ben & Jerry’s Heats Up: Eli Lake11/14/2021
N.Y. State to Sell Unilever Stake on Ben & Jerry’s Israel Stance10/28/2021
Unilever Goes All-Out on Pricing as Inflation Accelerates10/20/2021
Unilever to Cut 15% of Senior Managers as Peltz Adds Pressure1/25/2022
Activist Hedge Fund Trian Builds Stake in Unilever: FT1/23/2022
Unilever’s Inflation Warning Piles More Pressure on CEO Jope2/10/2022
Unilever Rules Out Raising $68 Billion Glaxo Consumer Bid1/19/2022
Terry Smith Slams Unilever Management After Glaxo Bid Fails1/20/2022
Ben & Jerry’s Sues Unilever to Stop Israel Ice Cream Deal7/6/2022


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