Stock Picker Certificate
Equity Research Analyst Certificate
Master Equity Research Analyst Certificate *

Critical Factors Workshop

Quickly identify the 1-4 factors most likely to cause your stock to out- or under-perform during your investment time horizon (EPIC™ framework)

Generate Differentiated Insights Workshop

Cultivate and utilize proprietary sources to create differentiated and impactful stock calls (ASPIRE™ and ICE™ frameworks)

Master Setting Price Targets Workshop

Better calibrate price targets by objectively assessing the market’s psychology towards the stock in the past and present to improve forecasting the future (SHARE™ framework)

Master Stock Picking Workshop

Make more accurate stock recommendations by following the best practices of the top stock pickers (TIER™ and FaVeS™ frameworks)

Communications Workshop

Communicate stock-related messages in a manner that gets others to take notice of your research (ENTER™ and ADViCE™ frameworks)

Time Management Workshop

Utilize best practices for scheduling, prioritizing and working more efficiently to generate the high quality insights required for every analyst’s success (DEEM™ framework)

GAMMA PI™ Assessment

Take our 135-question equity research analyst self-assessment to identify your professional strengths and blind spots

"Are You a Great Analyst?" Presentation

Learn how our proprietary frameworks help equity research analysts become the top in their field (also includes interpreting GAMMA PI™ assessment results)

One-on-one Coaching

Receive personalized advice tailored for your needs through one-on-one sessions with James J. Valentine, CFA, author of Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts (2 one-hour sessions)

Hours of Continuing Education

Have a question about the certificate programs?
Stock Picker Certificate
Equity Research Analyst Certificate
Master Equity Research Analyst Certificate *
The Master Equity Research Analyst Certificate is recommended only for current practitioners (not students) due to the level of content found in some of the workshops and GAMMA PI™ assessment.

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Assessment and Book Samples:
Workshop Free Previews:

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Evalulate our tools for free

We offer free full versions of our content for evaluation purposes (valued at over $700) to professionals holding the following roles: 

  • Manager of buy-side or sell-side analysts (DOR or PM)
  • CFA Society leader responsible for programming
  • Professor teaching students pursuing careers in equity research

You will receive:

  1. Free GAMMA PI™ assessment
  2. Free access to our presentation "Are You a Great Analyst?"
  3. Free full workshop (not "Preview" version), including all materials (Learner Workbook, Slides and Quick Reference Cards)
  4. Sample chapter of Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts

To ensure a quick verification of your role above (usually within one business day), please provide the email address issued by your organization.


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Take Our Free Quiz

You will be directed to our 20-question quiz to determine if you possess the skills of a seasoned equity research analyst.  Please provide a valid email address to receive  your results (your email address remains confidential within AnalystSolutions):

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Try 2 of the 15 GAMMA PI™ Modules for Free

You will be directed to the FREE SAMPLE EDITION of our GAMMA PI™ Equity Research Analyst Self-Assessment. Please provide a valid email address to receive your results (your email address remains confidential within AnalystSolutions).

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Schedule a FREE Consultation

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Please answer these questions to help James Valentine prepare for your call (he will keep your responses confidential):

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Please answer these questions to help James Valentine prepare for your call (he will keep your responses confidential)

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Please answer these questions to help James Valentine prepare for your call (he will keep your responses confidential)

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