Video Playback Help and Troubleshooting

We’re sorry you’re having difficulty viewing our workshop videos. Below are a few FAQs for troubleshooting, as well as some helpful links.

**Please note that if you are attempting to access our content from your company’s computing device and are unable to view our videos, you will need to contact your company’s IT department first, as they may have blocked Vimeo access intentionally and require special permission to access our content. 


If you are unable to access our videos, or are receiving an unauthorized or an error message, the following items from Vimeo’s Help page may be helpful to you.


Why can’t I watch Vimeo videos through my private network, firewall, or proxy server?

If you have a firewall or anti-virus software enabled—or if you’re connected to the Internet through a proxy server—you may need to whitelist the domains below in order to access Vimeo videos. This may also be necessary if you’re… accessing them through a private network.  (*Please note, if accessing our workshops from your company computing device, please check with your IT department for help with video playback issues.)


What is hardware acceleration, and what problems can it cause?

Hardware acceleration is a technology that modern web browsers use to increase the performance of your computer. Browsers utilize it when trying to load something that requires more computing power than normal. This can range from things like online gaming to video playback.Unfortunately, hardware acceleration doesn’t work well with certain graphics cards, especially older card models. As a result, certain issues may occur in your browser, including during video playback. In most cases involving video playback, these issues manifest in one of three ways:

A) Video doesn’t display, although audio may be playing in the background
B) Severe video pixelation
C) Whites in videos appear as grays

You can resolve these issues on your own computer by disabling hardware acceleration in your browser. Click here for instructions on disabling hardware acceleration in your preferred browser. (*Please note, if accessing our workshops from your company computing device, please check with your IT department for help with video playback issues.)

Still having trouble accessing our videos? Email us:

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  • Manager of buy-side or sell-side analysts (DOR or PM)
  • CFA Society leader responsible for programming
  • Professor teaching students pursuing careers in equity research

You will receive:

  1. Free GAMMA PI™ assessment
  2. Free access to our presentation "Are You a Great Analyst?"
  3. Free full workshop (not "Preview" version), including all materials (Learner Workbook, Slides and Quick Reference Cards)
  4. Sample chapter of Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts

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