Generate Differentiated Insights Through Better Discovery, Questioning, and Influencing

  • Cultivate and utilize proprietary sources of insight to create differentiated and impactful stock calls.
  • Conduct interviews with company management and information sources in a manner that will yield investment insights.
3 hours
CFA CE Credits
The Problem

Research produced by many analysts relies almost entirely on information provided by the companies they cover, which is not only biased but lacks the unique insights required for great stock calls.  Discovering, connecting with and interviewing valuable unique live sources of insight can be a huge time sink, not to mention intimidating to some, which is why so few analysts tap into these valuable resources.

The Solution

Developing great out-of-consensus stock calls relies heavily on generating unique insights, which are found through exchanges with experts not affiliated with the companies being researched. AnalystSolutions has harnessed best practices from the industry’s top equity research analysts to create the ASPIRE™ framework for navigating the complex maze of discovering and interviewing these experts. Additionally, our PRACTICE™ framework for influencing others and ICE™ framework for questioning, help ensure these experts are compelled to answer the questions key to making great stock calls. The best analysts master these skills to ensure they have a continual pipeline of unique and accurate insights to support their out-of-consensus stock calls.

This Workshop Will Empower You To…

  • Self-assess if you’re currently utilizing enough proprietary sources of information to consistently generate insights necessary for great stock picking
  • Identify the roles and specific individuals that can provide informed insights to narrow the assumptions surrounding a stock’s critical factors
  • Utilize methods to regularly cultivate new sources of insight
  • Utilize our ICE™ questioning framework to construct interview questions that Include parameters, Calm the interviewee’s concerns and Entice a thorough response
  • Identify “what’s in it for them?” (WIIFT), a key ingredient for winning over potential information sources that hold insights useful for stock picking
  • Maximize interview effectiveness by creating the ideal environment.
  • Utilize the ASPIRE™ and PRACTICE™ frameworks to lead interviews in an influential manner that will yield insights and strengthen relationships with interviewees
Reference Card

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James Valentine
James J. Valentine, CFA

About the Workshop Author and Facilitator

James Valentine, CFA, is the author of the top-selling book Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts and founder of AnalystSolutions. He began his career as an equity research analyst, where the major North American investor polls ranked him among the top three in his sector for ten consecutive years, and Forbes identified him as one of the top three among all 2,000 U.S. sell-side analysts. Between the time as an analyst and founding AnalystSolutions, he held the role of Director of Training for Morgan Stanley’s Global Research department where he implemented a new global training program for 500 analysts and associates. His passion is to help analysts improve performance which he does by conducting presentations and workshops for internationally-recognized conferences, buy-side and sell-side firms, CFA Societies and universities with top finance programs.

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We offer free full versions of our content for evaluation purposes (valued at over $700) to professionals holding the following roles: 

  • Manager of buy-side or sell-side analysts (DOR or PM)
  • CFA Society leader responsible for programming
  • Professor teaching students pursuing careers in equity research

You will receive:

  1. Free GAMMA PI™ assessment
  2. Free access to our presentation "Are You a Great Analyst?"
  3. Free full workshop (not "Preview" version), including all materials (Learner Workbook, Slides and Quick Reference Cards)
  4. Sample chapter of Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts

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