As part of the workshop Generate Differentiated Insights Through Better Discovery, Questioning, and Influencing, you evaluated the use of proprietary sources in your TAP. It’s helpful to periodically revisit this list to see how much progress is being made (possibly as early as a week after the workshop and definitely a month or two afterwards). If you have access to your original TAP, review it now to evaluate your progress. If your original TAP is not available, complete the file associated with these instructions to see the progress you have made and additional progress you would like to make in the future.
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We offer free full versions of our content for evaluation purposes (valued at over $700) to professionals holding the following roles:
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You will be directed to the FREE SAMPLE EDITION of our GAMMA PI™ Equity Research Analyst Self-Assessment. Please provide a valid email address to receive your results (your email address remains confidential within AnalystSolutions).