#1. Generate Informed Insights

8 Tips to Win Over Information Sources and Influence Your Boss/Clients (Part 1 of 2)

This post’s title purposely has some resemblance to the title of Dale Carnegie’s famous book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, which has sold 15 million copies since being written in 1936. If you’re like me, you might ask why does a book covering such a basic concept sell so well? Based on my…

9 Best Practices for Making Field Research Yield Great Stock Ideas

Remember the first time you visited a zoo? You probably found some elements better than expected (a roaring lion or polar bear diving through the water) and some worse than expected (the smell of the monkey house). Similarly, as analysts, we can easily convince ourselves we have the proper perspective on our sectors and companies…

Three Critical Steps for Extracting Great Insights (Step 3: Entice a Thorough Response)

Have you ever found yourself going into a store or making a call for something you need only to be disappointed by the salesperson? As soon as the experience began to deteriorate, you probably had little interest in sharing your needs because you thought “let me just end this pain and find a better option.”…

Three Critical Steps for Extracting Great Insights (Step 2: Calm Their Concerns)

“I can’t believe you would be so insensitive!” “How could you say something like that?” Have you ever heard these statements directed at you? What was your initial reaction? A voice in your head probably said, “Be very, very careful what you say next.” It’s human nature to raise our defenses when we feel attacked,…

Three Critical Steps for Extracting Great Insights (Step 1: Identify Parameters)

Think of your favorite CNBC journalist and ask why he or she is likely to get more information from a CEO than a typical analyst. If you don’t have an answer, it’s because the top journalists have been trained to use best practices for interviewing (or even “interrogating”) which can make them incredibly effective. Throughout…

6 Steps For Generating More Insights Than Your Competitors

Think of a website, newspaper or magazine you regularly seek out. It might be something as well known as the Wall Street Journal or Financial Times, or much more specialized like MacRumors. Ask yourself why you go to these sources as your “first read.” One reason is they provide unique information before any others. I…

Top 11 Sources of Insight for Great Stock Calls

When planning dinner and a movie with someone special, you could select the restaurant that runs the most advertisements and the movie that has been the most promoted by its studio, but I suspect most analytic-types (like research analysts) don’t use either of these approaches.  The odds of a bad meal or movie are relatively high because these…

Do You Know the Key Ingredient Found in the Best Stock Calls?

Would you offer to cook someone rack of lamb if you had no lamb? How about offering to prepare chicken Kiev but you have no chicken? Presuming most everyone would note such an essential missing ingredient, I then ask: why are so many stock calls missing a unique insight? I have reviewed hundreds of stock…

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